

Amplifiers is an electronic device or circuit component, which is composed of electronic tubes, transistors, integrated circuits and other components, its core function is to amplify the input weak signal to drive other devices or to achieve long-distance transmission of strong signals. By using energy (usually supplied by a power supply), amplifiers are able to boost weak electrical signals to a level sufficient to drive the load. The role of the amplifier is to compensate for the attenuation of the signal during transmission, improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the signal, so that the signal can be transmitted over a longer distance and maintain clarity.

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Amplifiers: Amplifiers are widely used in communication, radio, radar, TV, automatic control and other fields. In the field of communication, amplifiers can enhance radio signals, improve signal transmission distance and quality; In audio equipment, the power amplifier is responsible for driving the speaker to make the sound more loud and clear; In the control system, the current amplifier amplifies the control signal to improve the accuracy and response speed of the system. Different working principles and applications, amplifiers can be divided into many types: power amplifiers, voltage amplifiers, current amplifiers, operational amplifiers, audio amplifiers, radio frequency (RF) amplifiers.

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