
Temperature Sensors

Temperature Sensors are devices that measure and sense the temperature of the environment. This type of sensor can sense the temperature change of the surrounding environment or a specific object and convert it into an electrical signal for easy recording, display or control purposes. Its core function is to convert the ambient temperature change into readable electrical signal output, so as to achieve real-time temperature monitoring and recording. This conversion is based on the response of the sensor to temperature changes, allowing us to obtain accurate temperature data. According to the working principle and the different materials, the temperature sensor is divided into many types. Thermocouples use the thermoelectric motive force generated by the contact point of two different metals to measure temperature; Thermistors and resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) are based on the properties of resistance with temperature; The infrared temperature sensor measures the temperature non-contact by measuring the infrared radiation emitted by the object.

Jinftry is a leading global distributor of electronic components, selling many types of sensors, including temperature sensors, pressure sensors, humidity sensors, optical sensors, proximity sensors, magnetic sensors, position sensors, and more. Jinftry is your best supplier choice, with its low price advantage, rich supply chain resources, can provide you with original new materials, excess materials, outdated materials, EOL materials and hard to find materials. And ensure stable supply, quick response, good service. Jinftry looks forward to working with you.

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Temperature Sensors: Temperature Sensors play a vital role in all kinds of industry, research and daily life. It can not only help us understand the change of the ambient temperature, but also trigger the corresponding control mechanism in a specific application, such as automatically adjusting the temperature, issuing alarms, etc. This real-time temperature monitoring is of great significance to ensure the normal operation of the equipment, prevent overheating and improve production efficiency. In the field of application, temperature sensors are almost everywhere. In the home, they are used for air conditioning, refrigerators and ovens, ensuring a comfortable living environment and safe preservation of food. In the medical field, thermometers help diagnose diseases, and thermostatic incubators maintain survival conditions for cell and tissue samples. In the automotive industry, temperature sensors monitor engine temperature to avoid overheating damage. In aerospace, temperature control in extreme environments is critical to mission success, and temperature sensors play a central role here. In addition, temperature sensors are also used in chemical production, power systems, weather forecasting, food processing and scientific research.

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