Watch battery: how to choose and maintain

Watch battery: how to choose and maintain
Post Date:2024-09-13,

watch room

As one of the indispensable accessories in daily life, the battery inside the watch is the key to maintaining its normal operation. The selection and maintenance of watch batteries are not only related to the service life of the watch, but also directly affect our daily experience. This article will introduce the relevant knowledge of watch batteries in detail to help you better understand and use watch batteries.

Types of watch batteries

Watch batteries are mainly divided into two types: button batteries and disposable batteries.

Button batteries:

  • Introduction: Button batteries are a small round battery that is widely used in various small electronic devices, including watches.

  • Common models: Common button battery models include CR2032, CR2025, CR2016, etc. Among them, "CR" stands for "Coin Lithium", which means button lithium-ion battery.

  • Features: Button batteries are small in size, large in capacity, and stable in voltage, which are very suitable for small devices such as watches.

Disposable batteries:

  • Introduction: Disposable batteries usually refer to batteries that cannot be recharged, such as zinc-air batteries.

  • Features: This type of battery is rarely used in watches and is mainly used for certain special types of watches.

Selection of watch batteries

Choosing the right watch battery is very important because different watches have different power consumption and battery life requirements. Here are some key factors to consider when choosing a watch battery:


  • Most watches use button batteries with a voltage of 1.5V or 3V. When choosing, you should pay attention to the voltage required by the watch to ensure normal operation.


  • The battery capacity determines the life of the watch. The higher the capacity, the longer the watch can last. For example, the capacity of a CR2032 battery is usually 220mAh, while the capacity of a CR2025 battery is about 160mAh.


  • Choosing batteries from well-known brands can ensure quality and reliability. Common watch battery brands include Panasonic, Sony, and Energizer, etc.

Can you replace the watch battery yourself?

Replacing a watch battery is a simple task that requires attention to detail.


  • Prepare a small screwdriver (for opening the back cover of the watch) and a clean cloth (for cleaning the watch).

Replacement steps:

  1. Open the back cover of the watch: Use a screwdriver to gently unscrew the back cover screws, and then open the back cover.
  2. Remove the old battery: Carefully remove the old battery from the battery slot.
  3. Install the new battery: Place the new battery in the battery slot correctly according to the positive and negative directions.
  4. Close the back cover: Re-tighten the screws to ensure that the back cover fits tightly.

Here is a video to help you how to replace the watch battery:

What kind of battery does the watch use?

Types of watch button batteries

Button batteries can be divided into several main types according to different materials and uses:

Lithium manganese oxide batteries

  • Model: CR2032, CR2025, CR2016, etc.

  • Features: This battery uses lithium manganese oxide as the positive electrode material, with high energy density and long life.

  • Voltage: Usually 3V.

  • Application: Widely used in small electronic devices such as watches, calculators, medical equipment, etc.

Silver Oxide Batteries

  • Model: SR727SW, SR626SW, etc.

  • Features: Silver oxide batteries have more stable voltage and longer life, suitable for precision equipment.

  • Voltage: Usually 1.55V.

  • Application: Suitable for high-end watches, car keys, etc.

Alkaline Batteries

  • Model: LR1154, LR44, etc.

  • Features: Low cost, but performance and life are slightly lower than lithium manganese oxide and silver oxide batteries.

  • Voltage: Usually 1.5V.

  • Application: Used in low-cost watches and some electronic toys.

Common watch battery models and applications

CR2032 battery

  • Voltage: 3V
  • Capacity: about 220mAh
  • Application: Widely used in watches, small electronic devices, calculators, etc.

CR2025 battery

  • Voltage: 3V
  • Capacity: about 160mAh
  • Application: Suitable for small electronic devices such as watches, remote controls, etc.

CR2016 battery

  • Voltage: 3V
  • Capacity: about 120mAh
  • Application: suitable for small electronic devices such as watches, electronic watches, etc.

SR727SW battery

  • Voltage: 1.55V
  • Capacity: about 60mAh
  • Application: suitable for high-end watches and precision equipment.

SR626SW battery

  • Voltage: 1.55V
  • Capacity: about 50mAh
  • Application: suitable for high-end watches and precision equipment.

LR1154 battery

  • Voltage: 1.5V
  • Capacity: about 150mAh
  • Application: suitable for low-cost watches and electronic toys.

LR44 battery

  • Voltage: 1.5V
  • Capacity: about 120mAh
  • Application: suitable for low-cost watches and small electronic devices.

How to know what size battery your watch uses?

To determine what size battery your watch uses, you can follow the following steps:

1. Check the watch manual

The most direct way is to check the watch manual. The manual usually clearly lists the battery model required for the watch. If you have the manual, please read the relevant section carefully.

2. Observe the battery slot

If the manual is lost or the relevant information cannot be found, you can judge the required battery size by observing the battery slot of the watch.

  • Open the back cover of the watch:

Use a small screwdriver or special tool to gently unscrew the back cover of the watch.

If the back cover of the watch does not have screws, you can gently open it with a special small plastic prying piece.

  • Check the battery slot:

Once the back cover is opened, you will see the battery in the battery slot.

Note the size and model of the battery, which will usually be marked with something like "CR2032", "CR2025", etc.

3. Look up online

If the above method does not work, you can try to look up the model and related information of the watch online.

  • Watch brand official website:

Visit the official website of the watch brand to find the technical specifications of your watch model.
Usually there will be a detailed parameter list, including the battery model, on the brand's official website.

  • Third-party website:

Search for your watch model on the e-commerce platform and check whether the battery model is mentioned in the product details page or user reviews.
For example, search for the watch model on platforms such as Amazon,, and Taobao, and check the relevant information in the product details or user reviews.

4. Contact customer service

If you still can't determine the battery model, you can contact the customer service of the watch brand directly.

  • Telephone consultation:

Call the customer service hotline of the watch brand and ask the battery model required for the watch.
Provide the model and serial number of the watch, and the customer service staff will usually give a clear answer.

  • Email consultation:

Send an email to the official email address of the watch brand, detailing your question.
Provide the model and serial number of the watch, and the customer service staff will reply with the battery model you need.

5. Physical battery comparison

If you already have other button batteries, you can compare them with the battery in the watch.

  • Compare sizes:

Compare the size of the existing button batteries with the battery in the watch.
Check whether the diameter and thickness are consistent to confirm the battery model.

General model reference

Here are some common watch button battery models and their uses:


  • Voltage: 3V

  • Application: Widely used in watches, small electronic devices, calculators, etc.


  • Voltage: 3V

  • Application: Suitable for small electronic devices such as watches, remote controls, etc.


  • Voltage: 3V

  • Application: Suitable for small electronic devices such as watches, electronic watches, etc.


  • Voltage: 1.55V

  • Application: Suitable for high-end watches and precision equipment.


  • Voltage: 1.55V

  • Application: Suitable for high-end watches and precision equipment.


  • Voltage: 1.5V

  • Application: Suitable for low-cost watches and electronic toys.


  • Voltage: 1.5V

  • Application: Suitable for low-cost watches and small electronic devices.

Example steps

Check the back cover of the watch:

  • Use a small screwdriver to gently unscrew the back cover of the watch.

  • Observe the battery model in the battery slot, such as "CR2032".

Record the model:

  • Record the battery model, such as "CR2032".

Buy a new battery:

  • Go to a local electronics store or online e-commerce platform to buy a new battery of the same model.

Maintenance of watch batteries

To extend the life of watch batteries, daily maintenance is essential.

Regular replacement:

  • It is recommended to check the watch battery at least once a year and replace it in time as needed.

Avoid over-discharge:

  • When the watch is not used for a long time, it is recommended to remove the watch battery to prevent the battery from over-discharging.

Moisture-proof and shock-proof:

  • Try to avoid the watch from contacting with a humid environment to prevent the battery from being damp and causing a short circuit. At the same time, avoid the watch from being subjected to severe vibration.

Regular cleaning:

  • Regularly wipe the watch surface and internal battery slot with a clean cloth to remove dust and dirt and maintain good contact.

Maintenance of watch batteries


The selection and maintenance of watch batteries directly affect the service life and performance of the watch. Choosing the right battery model, mastering the correct replacement method, and doing daily maintenance work can keep your watch in good working condition for a long time. I hope this article can help you better understand the relevant knowledge of watch batteries, so that you can be more handy in daily use.


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