Why does the engine of a car blink and how to fix it?

Why does the engine of a car blink and how to fix it?
Post Date:2024-07-22,
The engine malfunction indicator light is an important indication of the powertrain information of the whole car, because the abnormal illumination of the engine malfunction light is more intuitive to cause driver anxiety, the problem of abnormal illumination of the malfunction light has always been an important item of customer complaints. In this article, we will discuss in detail the common causes of engine fault light flashing and its repair methods.
Engine blinking

The phenomenon of engine blinking

When the car is running, or the moment the car is ignited, the car engine fault light on the instrument panel lights up, usually red or yellow dan light, most cases will not disappear automatically, and in a few cases, it will disappear automatically, which is known as the check engine light. If you see the check engine light flashing, have it checked as soon as possible.

Engine blinking cause analysis

Surface causes of engine trouble light on

1. Bad combustion condition

A bad engine combustion condition is the main reason why the engine malfunction light comes on. In the car design, in order to ensure that the engine is in good working condition, to ensure that the normal working life of the engine, the engine is designed to install an oxygen sensor, used to monitor the engine combustion status, once the engine combustion status is not good, such as hydrocarbon gas (HC) content is too high carbon monoxide content (CO) is too high, nitrogen oxides (NO) content is too high, these are bad combustion status These are all bad combustion conditions, which not only pollute the environment, but also cause fuel wastage and excessive wear and tear on the engine.

The following indicators mean:

  • Hydrocarbons (HC): unburned fuel components.

  • Carbon monoxide (CO): fuel components that are not fully combusted, please the substance has a greater damage to human health, carbon monoxide poisoning can lead to death by poisoning.

  • Nitrogen oxides (NO): generated in the engine at too high a temperature, indicating increased engine wear, in the atmosphere will pollute the environment.

2. Engine blowout
Knock sensor
The engine has another specialized detonation sensor, specifically to monitor the engine detonation. Engine knock has meant that there is the possibility of serious engine component damage or serious power loss. Typically, the vibration is divided into sensory and non-sensory vibration, in the case of non-sensory vibration, the engine computer will monitor the situation to adjust the engine control parameters, to avoid a greater adverse impact, but when the non-sensory vibration has exceeded the scope of the engine computer can be adjusted, the engine fault light will be illuminated to alarm.

Automobile drivers for the subjective feeling of vibration usually have three situations.

  • The first situation: the car is powerless.

  • The second situation: the car is powerless, the engine noise is too large.

  • The third situation: obvious knocking sound.

In the first case, some engine fault lights will be lit, some will not be lit, in the second and third case, the engine fault light will inevitably light up.

Engine malfunction light flashing intrinsic causes

1. Poor fuel quality

Many found that the engine trouble light on the car friends have a feeling: that is, add to a tank of gas after the engine trouble light suddenly lit. Because the engine for the oil quality indicators are required, especially with the specification of the engine of each place more and more demanding, then the quality of the oil indicators are also more and more demanding. For example, the previous car engine usually compression ratio are below 7.0, and now the car engine compression ratio are usually above 10.0, in this case, generally require octane 95 or more gasoline. Of course, in addition to this fuel standard, there are other technical indicators are also very important, because the technical is too strong, not a - listed. However, in practice, after all, there are some gas stations and can not fully meet the specification of high-performance engine fuel, which led to the engine fault light occurs.

2.the engine cylinder internal unclean, there are deposits of carbon deposits

After a certain period of use of the engine must accumulate some internal carbon, these carbon deposits itself will lead to changes in engine design parameters, while its nature is unstable, the accumulation of heat, these accumulated heat will lead to the engine ignition disorder, thus causing the engine to burst. In this case, the engine malfunction light also comes on.

Engine fault light flashing causes and repair methods

  • Oxygen Sensor Malfunction

The oxygen sensor is responsible for monitoring the oxygen content in the exhaust gas, which helps the engine adjust the fuel mixture. If the oxygen sensor malfunctions, the engine may not run adequately, resulting in reduced fuel efficiency and increased emissions.

The Fix: Replace or repair the oxygen sensor.

  • Spark Plug Problems:

The spark plug is the key component that ignites the fuel mixture in the engine. If the spark plug is worn or damaged, it can cause the engine to lack fire, which in turn causes the engine malfunction light to flash.

The Fix: Inspect and replace worn spark plugs.

  • Fuel system problems:

A faulty fuel pump, fuel filter or fuel pressure regulator can cause the engine to work improperly, which triggers the engine malfunction light.

The fix: check the fuel system and replace damaged parts.

  • Faulty air flow sensor:

The air flow sensor monitors the amount of air entering the engine to help calculate the correct fuel mixture. If this sensor fails, it can cause the mixture to be too rich or too lean, affecting engine performance.

Fix: Clean or replace the air flow sensor.

  • Throttle Body Problems:

The throttle body controls the flow of air into the engine. If the throttle body is dirty or malfunctions, it can affect the engine's air-fuel ratio, resulting in erratic operation.

Fix: Clean or replace the throttle body.

  • Cooling system problems:

A faulty coolant temperature sensor or other cooling system component can cause the engine to overheat, triggering the engine malfunction light.

Fix: Check the cooling system and repair or replace damaged parts.

  • Electronic Control Unit (ECU) problems:

The ECU is the “brain” of the car and is responsible for monitoring and adjusting various parameters of the engine. If the ECU fails, it may cause the engine to work abnormally.

Fix: Check the ECU and make the necessary repairs or replace it.

How to fix engine flickering and steps

Using diagnostic tools

Modern cars are equipped with an on-board diagnostic system (OBD-II), which allows you to read fault codes with a specialized diagnostic tool. These codes can help determine the exact cause of the problem.


1. Connect the diagnostic tool to the vehicle's OBD-II port.

2. Read and record the fault codes.

3. According to the code prompts, carry out the appropriate inspections and repairs.

Basic Inspection:

Before using the diagnostic tool, you can carry out some basic checks, such as checking the fuel system, air filter, spark plugs and so on.


1. Check the fuel pump and fuel filter for proper function.

2.Check the air filter for dirt or clogging.

3.Check the spark plugs for wear or damage.

Professional Repair:

If you are unable to identify or fix the problem yourself, it is recommended that you take your vehicle to a professional auto repair shop. Professional mechanics have extensive experience and advanced equipment to diagnose and solve problems quickly and accurately.


1. Describe the symptoms and history of the problem.

2.The mechanic uses specialized equipment to make a diagnosis.

3. Based on the diagnosis, make necessary repairs or replace parts.

How to prevent engine flickering and recommendations

1. Regular maintenance:

Regular vehicle maintenance can prevent many potential problems. Change the oil, air filter, fuel filter, etc. regularly as recommended by the manufacturer.

  • Change the oil and oil filter every 5,000 kilometers.
  • Change air and fuel filters every 20,000 kilometers.

2. Pay attention to driving habits:

Bad driving habits, such as frequent sharp acceleration and hard braking, will put an extra burden on the engine. Maintaining good driving habits will help extend the life of the engine.

  • Avoid prolonged idling.
  • Avoid driving under extreme conditions, such as high temperature and high altitude.

3. Fix minor problems in time:

Small problems may evolve into big problems if not fixed in time. Once you find any abnormality in your vehicle, it should be inspected and repaired in time.

  • When you find the engine malfunction light flashing, diagnose and repair it as soon as possible.
  • Regularly check the vehicle's functions to make sure everything is in order.

It is important to note that the exact steps and components to address when fixing a blinking check engine light may vary depending on the cause of the problem and the make and model of the vehicle. If you are unsure or unable to fix the problem on your own, it is recommended that you seek the help of a qualified mechanic.


Engine blinking is a vehicle's way of alerting the driver that ignoring the engine blinking problem may lead to more serious mechanical problems and may even compromise the safety of the vehicle. Therefore, it is very important to deal with it promptly.


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